7 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight During Ramadan

Holy month of Ramadan is upon us once again. May we reap its
transformative power and taste its profound sweetness. We are all aware
that the fast in Ramadan is primarily for spiritual benefit, to draw
near to the Divine,
and to as Rumi put it, “starve the body but feed the soul.”
as Rumi’s wisdom reminds us, the body and psyche are not separate
entities, they are woven together in each of us. How we engage with one
profoundly affects the other. Our spiritual hearts are the source of our
outward actions and our outward actions deeply affect the state of our
spiritual hearts.
physically prostrate to spiritually ascend, we physically offer zakat
with our hands to spiritually be purified, we physically travel to the
House of the All-Merciful to spiritually represent our return to the
Divine Presence, we move our tongues to physically utter our inner
conviction of the Oneness of Reality and the messengership of the
Beloved ﷺ so as to illuminate our souls and deepen our realization of
the Real. During Ramadan we become physically empty to become
spiritually filled.
we feel physically affects how we feel mentally and spiritually, our
mood, our state, our concentration, our ability to be present, and to be
fully aware of the One in this realm of trial and multiplicity. Many of
us intend to transform, not only our hearts during the sacred fasting
month, but our physical bodies. There is nothing blameworthy in wanting
to lose weight during Ramadan, or to achieve other fitness goals. Our
bodies have rights over us and in order to better serve our Creator, we
should strive to be people of balance, wellness, and health — mentally,
physically, and spiritually.
Intermittent Fasting: The Fast of the Muslims Goes Viral
Muslims, and other religious traditions, have maintained fasting for
millennia, it has become a central feature of the health and wellness
community in the past decade now that modern science has shown fasting
to be the key to a wide range of health benefits.
fasting, which means restricting eating to specific hours during the
day (basically what Muslims have done for 1400 years) has been shown to
be among the most beneficial things one can do for their health. Insulin
levels drop, human growth hormone (which stimulates muscle gain and
weight loss) levels go up, cells are repaired, and there are positive
changes in genes related to longevity and disease prevention.
that’s just the tip of the iceberg; studies have also shown that
intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, become less insulin
resistant (lowering risk of type-2 diabetes), reduce oxidative stress
and inflammation in the body, improve heart health, remove waste from
cells, prevent against cancer, improve brain health, prevent Alzheimer’s
disease, and extend lifespan.
human body simply functions better when it goes through periods of
fasting. An example of a popular intermittent fast, often recommended by
health professionals, is a 16 hour fast in which one eats only within
an 8 hour window during a 24 hour period (basically what Muslims do when
fasting inside or outside of Ramadan). It is often recommended that to
do this twice a week is ideal (also sunnah). The popular 5:2 diet (5
days of the week you eat and 2 days you fast) is one example.
as Muslims we have a leg up on people who don’t fast 1 out of every 12
days of their lives to reap the health benefits of fasting and to be a
community of wellness and balance. Unfortunately, due to unhealthy
eating habits many Muslims fail to lose weight — many even gain weight! —
during the holy fasting month. Below we hope to outline some of the
things that one can do to find the full physical benefits of fasting.
But first, some context.
Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead: An Epidemic
three quarters of American men and 60% of American women are overweight
or obese. And, frighteningly, nearly 30% of American boys and girls
under age 20 are either obese or overweight — up from 19% in 1980. Our
generation is the first in the history of the USA that will have a
shorter lifespan than their parents.
of the top 10 causes of death in our country are diet related. The
other two are suicide and accidents. This is an epidemic of epic
proportions and is all the more tragic because it is easily preventable.
I am not aware of any specific obesity statistics on American Muslims
but I doubt anyone who has spent time amongst our communities would
argue that we fare much better than the national average.
is a great opportunity to break bad eating habits and transform oneself
physically as well as spiritually and to overcome the barriers to
health and optimal wellbeing. I think it is important to note that this
epidemic is not just because people are lazy and gluttonous. Often people are unaware what constitutes a balanced diet, or at least their ideas of a balanced diet are significantly misled.
We have been lied to for decades about what is healthy and what is not. For instance, a recent NYT article showed
how the sugar industry paid Harvard scientists to obscure the fact that
sugar is the cause of a wide range of dis-eases, including obesity, by
shifting the blame to fat. Untold numbers of people have suffered and
died because of this type of manipulation.
If you follow the diet recommended by the “official” food pyramid (which has been maintained with manipulation from Big Agra)
with grains as the overwhelming staple of your diet (“6–11 servings a
day!”) — combined with the super-prevalence of sugary foods, drinks,
fried foods and highly processed snacks — you are probably overweight.
In what follows we hope to highlight some of the most likely reasons you
are not losing weight during Ramadan and what to do to remove the
barriers to weight loss, wellbeing, and health.
A Personal Note
past 3 or 4 Ramadans have been very difficult for me personally because
I found myself with almost no energy. I felt like a zombie and could
barely get out of bed. I was totally lethargic and mentally foggy. I
wasn’t hungry or thirsty but I was totally incapacitated. I worked at
night just to be somewhat productive. It wasn’t just Ramadan though,
year round I was tired.
didn’t have much energy for exercise, was relying on ridiculous amounts
of caffeine to get through the afternoon, was mentally foggy, had joint
stiffness and digestive issues, and had put on 20 or so extra pounds.
After speaking with a few people who are specialists in health and
nutrition about my lethargy and other health issues I had developed, I
realized that my gut microbiome was totally imbalanced, I was insulin
resistant (pre-diabetic), and that my symptoms were typical of a high
sugar and carbohydrate diet.
though I had always been pretty health conscious, and ate far from the
average American diet, I knew the diagnosis was accurate. Luckily, all
these things can be fixed with changes in diet and lifestyle, so after a
difficult Ramadan last year I decided to heed the advice of health
specialists and quit putting my own well being off until “someday” in
the future.
made it a priority. It was one of the best things I have ever done. In
the past year I have lost the excess 20 pounds; I have become more
mentally alert; I have way more energy than I did before; my gut
microbiome is healed; my joint stiffness is gone; I have a daily workout
routine which has become a great pleasure instead of a chore (and which
keeps me high on endorphins all day), and I just feel way better than I
ever have, alhamdulilah. Many of my friends and family, after seeing my
transformation, have implemented the changes that I made as well and
have seen positive results. The list below lays out the main lessons I
have learned and personally implemented on this journey to health and
wellness. Hopefully you will find some benefit in them.
7 Reasons Why You Aren’t Losing Weight During Ramadan
1. You Are Eating Too Much Sugar
sugar consumption is the root cause of obesity, diabetes and many other
health issues. The less sugar a human being consumes in his or her
lifetime the better. But it is especially terrible for those looking to
lose weight. When you eat sugar your body secretes insulin, this hormone
causes fat to be stored. Insulin levels are mostly determined by how
much carbohydrates you are putting in your body. When you eat sugary
foods (yes, even fruits should be eaten in moderation if your goal is
weight loss) you are peaking your insulin and consequently storing more
and more fat.
you are eating sugar every once in awhile this isn’t a problem, but for
those of us who have eaten a standard Western diet high in sugar since
we were children, our insulin levels are likely out of whack. We become
insulin resistant (pre-diabetic) and thus our body must secrete more and
more insulin each time we eat sugar and carbohydrates; as a result we
keep get fatter and fatter. If your goal is fat loss, definitely skip
dessert for iftar. Even dates, while being nutrient dense, are high in
sugar, so if your goal is weight loss, limit your intake to one date
when you break your fast.
2. You’re Drinking Too Much Sugar
may ask, “why have a separate point for drinking sugar?” Didn’t we just
cover sugar in the first point? Yes, we did, but I hope to emphasize
the fact that sugar is the main culprit in your lack of Ramadan weight
loss, and also highlight the fact that sugar consumed in liquid form is
the most harmful. The worst way to take in sugar is in liquid form. It
is like taking a sugar I.V. straight into the bloodstream. It is
absorbed directly into the blood and causes blood sugar levels to
people know that sodas and other fizzy drinks are bad for you. A single
can of coke, contains a whopping 38 grams of sugar, which exceeds the
recommended maximum daily allowance! If you drink even one can of soda a
day during Ramadan — or half a can for that matter — you can forget
about losing any significant weight.
this news is not surprising to anyone in 2017. But, what a lot of
people don’t realize is that juices (yes, even fresh squeezed juices and
smoothies) usually contain immense amounts of sugar as well. When we
eat fruit, the natural sugars inside them are wrapped in fiber, but when
we drink fruit juice we introduce an intense blast of sugar to our
system. If you want to lose weight, skip the fruit juices. Skip the
smoothies too unless they are predominantly veggies without a whole lot
of fruit.
in all, the easiest step to lose weight this Ramadan (and beyond) is to
just cut out all sugary beverages altogether. Many people find that
they lose significant weight by following this step alone. Stick to
water (flat and sparkling), tea and coffee (without adding sugar
obviously) and you will quickly find that you don’t miss your sugary
drinks at all. Make juice a rare treat and you will come to appreciate
it more. And if you care about your body at all, proceed as if soda is
haram for you.
3. You’re Eating Too Many Things That Turn to Sugar
lot of people cut out sugar and then are surprised that it doesn’t give
them the desired results, or they lose a bit of weight but then they
reach a weight loss plateau. Even with all my interest in health and
nutrition, it took me until my early 30s to fully understand the way
that grains also turn to sugar in the body. Bread, rice, and other
carbohydrates are converted to glucose in the body. The liver secretes
insulin when you eat them.
some people this is no problem. For people who are insulin resistant
(if you are overweight this almost certainly includes you) it wreaks
havoc on the body. As David Ludwig, MD, PhD, director of the New Balance
Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Children’s Hospital Boston
states clearly, “refined carbohydrates,
including refined grain products, are the single most harmful influence
in the American diet today.” If you are eating bread, rice, cereal,
etc, you are spiking insulin and thus storing fat instead of burning it.
If your goal is weight loss, you have to cut down on carbs.
4. You Aren’t Eating Enough Probiotic/Prebiotic Foods.
science has confirmed what Hippocrates said 2,000 years ago, “all
disease begins in the gut.” We now know that there is more bacteria in
us and on us than there are human cells in our entire body! Walt Whitman
was right, “[We] contain multitudes.” There are trillions of microbes
in your stomach that help you digest food and protect you from harmful
bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
microbes also deeply influence one’s propensity to gain weight. Studies
have shown that mice with imbalanced gut microbes become obese even
when they are fed the same diets (with exactly the same caloric intake)
as mice with healthy gut bacteria. Furthermore, when bacteria from the
healthy mice is put in the stomach of the obese mice, the obese mice loses weight even when their diet is not changed at all.
field of study on the human microbiome is a hot topic in scientific and
medical circles and is expanding rapidly. A lot of this science is
still less than a decade old and has not yet filtered down to common
popular knowledge outside of health conscious circles.
it is important to understand that we are in the middle of a revolution
in the fields of medicine and nutrition due to recent findings about
the human microbiome. So how does one attain a healthy gut? For
starters, the worst thing you can do for your gut is to eat a high
sugar, high carbohydrate diet (are you seeing the trend here?).
Some of the best foods for a healthy gut are as follows:
- Fresh Vegetables
- Herbs, Spices, Teas (Turmeric, Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Green Tea, Coffee)
- Probiotic foods (Yogurt, Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha, Sauerkraut)
- Garlic, Onions
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
- Coconut Oil
- Bone Broth
5. You Still Think Fat is Bad
does not make you fat! Sugar does. I personally lost 20 plus pounds in 5
months by cutting sugar and grains, while eating as much fat as I cared
to consume. Two great forms of fat are coconut oil and avocados. Try a
spoonful of coconut oil for iftar and for suhoor (it is also great for
the microbiome). Avocados are the perfect suhoor.
(yolks and all) and meat (especially organ meat) are also good sources
of fat and are incredibly nutrient dense. Seeds and nuts are a great
source of fat and serve as the perfect snack for that midnight hunger
between taraweeh and suhoor. Fat is also slow burning so it keeps you
going throughout the day during long fasts. Butter is excellent and
delicious. Cut out all the “low-fat” garbage. These are usually laced
with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or other frankenfoods not fit for
human consumption. Fat is not bad. And it does not make you fat. Sugar
6. You Aren’t Moving Enough
body composition is 80% what you eat. It is also 20% how you move. The
body gets weak if the body doesn’t move. During Ramadan we have less
energy during the day and consequently going to the gym or keeping up
with workouts can be difficult. However, simply adding in some walks
throughout the day and some bodyweight exercises can go a long way.
of being sedentary for 23 hours and then running for an hour on a
treadmill, try incorporating movement into your daily schedule. Walk to
work, or take the train/bus and walk to and from that. Do you talk on
the phone for work? Go on a walk while you talk.
to the grocery store or to your friend’s house for iftar. Take an
invigorating walk around your neighborhood after ‘Asr as the sun is
going down and you are getting ready to break fast. It is not true that
you need to workout really intensely to burn calories. Engaging in low
level aerobic activity throughout the day (walking, hiking, gardening,
yoga, swimming) does wonders.
some goals for simple, yet extremely effective bodyweight exercises and
calisthenics. Four of the most tried and true bodyweight exercises are
1) Pushups 2) Squats 3)Pull ups and 4) Planks. If you are able to: do
100 push ups and non-weighted squats a day. If you find that easy after a
few days try 150. See if you can make your way up to 200 by the end of
the month.
60 second planks. Do as many pull ups as you can. If you can’t do any
then just hang there as long as you can. Set goals that push you but are
not impossible. Don’t worry if you are weak at first. Start off with 5
sets of 10 push ups if that’s all you can do. Do them from your knees if
that is too difficult. You will see rapid increase if you just remain
consistent and push yourself. Don’t forget to have fun. Play games or
sports with your friends and family. Run, jump, do handstands and
somersaults, feel the joy of being in your body. You will find it easier
to be consistent if you enjoy your exercise.
7. You’re Too Stressed Out
causes your body to release cortisol which tells your body to replenish
energy even when you haven’t expended very much or burned many
calories. And your body keeps pumping cortisol as long as the stress
continues! Also, in situations of stress we aren’t likely to reach for
broccoli and kale.
Elissa Epel, a researcher on stress eating at the University of
California, San Francisco remarks, “ [When we are stressed] we crave
sweet, salty, and high-fat foods because they stimulate the brain to
release pleasure chemicals that reduce tension.” This soothing effect
becomes addicting so that you start to crave fattening foods every time
you feel stressed. The good news is that if you have a daily exercise
regimen you will naturally feel less stressed out. The benefits of
eating well and exercising regularly for me are about mental health just
as much as, if not more than, physical health.
cool thing about diet and exercise is that you don’t have to take
anybody’s word for it. There are a lot of varying opinions out there and
it can be confusing. But you don’t have to take anything on faith. You
can try it for yourself and see how your body responds. I am not a
health professional, just an individual who, like the majority of
Americans was on the path to imbalance, dis-ease, and health issues. I
changed a few things and found incredible results immediately.
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