How important is water management in Islam?

this modern day and age when the word global warming is spoken of, you
see people instantly blanking out, turning their faces away or you get
people like Donald Trump who say “climate change is a hoax and humans
are not causing it because it’s not true.” It is amazing that despite
the human race advancing towards new innovations and technologies, we
still do not understand the importance of climate change. In Islam the
notion of eco-theology is significant; eco-theology is the idea that
humans and the world of nature are an interrelated system, something
that is expressed in religious teachings. It is when these religious
scriptures and doctrines are used as a guide that we learn how best to
treat and preserve the environment. Water is possibly the single most
important factor that is constantly mentioned in the Quran and now, more
than ever, we need to undertake what the Quran mentions about its
scarcity has been a global issue in recent times and it continues to be
so. Nearly a fifth of the global population lacks access to potable
water and more than half of the people across the world live in
water-stressed areas. Also, the annual global economic losses from water
shortages are conservatively estimated to be at £174.27. Nevertheless,
Islam is one of the biggest religions to have raised awareness on water
scarcity and it’s important that we understand water management as best
as we can.
Water is the single most natural environmental factor that is expressed throughout the Quran. The Arabic word for water is ‘ma’ and it is mentioned sixty-three times in the Quran. For example, “And
have you seen the water that you drink? Is it you who brought it down
from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down? If We willed, We could
make it bitter, so why are you not grateful?” [Qur’an 56: 58-70].
This is one of the various verses which mentions water is an important
element in the environment for Muslims to preserve and maintain. Other
notions of water are also mentioned in the Quran many times such as, the
sea, rivers, rain and fountains. The verses that use these connotations
express the mercies of Allah (swt) that has been bestowed upon us. It
gives Muslims another opportunity to reflect on His miracles, grace and
Another verse that explains the importance of water management is, “And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy, and We send down from the sky pure water.”
[Quran 25:48] This reflects how Allah (swt) has created the Earth and
the way we conduct ourselves while on it is a test from Allah (swt)
therefore, human beings will be held accountable for the way we choose
to live our lives.
The Quran is not the only Islamic doctrine that mentions water, as Hadith sources also do the same. Such as, “Muslims have common share in three (things). Grass, water and fire.” (Dawood,
Abu. 2009:3470). This shows Islam does not only address water
management as an important element to preserve, it also says water
should be managed in the globe as a whole. It is an element that must be
preserved by all nations and not just individuals alone. This shows
that water management needs to be conserved around the globe because it
affects all, it gives life and everything in life is made out of water.
For example, “We made from water every living thing.”
(Faruqui, Naser. 2001:1) People must keep three natural resources
intact, especially if it has a social importance for everyone.
water management and water regulation is seen as part of Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Many examples and exercises have
been expressed in the Sunnah of the way Muslims should deal with water
so there would be no scarcity or problems. There are statements by the
Prophet around the amount of water one is allowed to take for use. An
important incident from the Prophet was narrated. The Prophet observed a
man called Saad doing ablution for prayer; while the Prophet watched
him he said, “Do not waste water even if you are on a running river.”
This shows a significant lesson because Saad was not wasting water
purposely and there were plentiful amounts of water however, the Prophet
still exemplified the importance and sanctity of water, showing that it
should be respected for its own right, even when found in abundance.
Sunnah demonstrations how people should manage water carefully so as to
ensure that it isn’t wasted. It’s interesting to see how Islam provides
the steps of water management, even though there was no water scarcity
at the time of the incident. It emphasises how water scarcity can happen
if people are not careful on using the substances on Earth and to
demonstrate that Islam is an all-encompassing religion.
Another element for why water is held sacred is because of its role in ritual ablution and ghusl (bathing). Ablution and bathing are important as they are precursors for salah (prayer),
which makes up one of the main five pillars of Islam. The Prophet
described how ablution is a useful element for Muslims in a hadith that
states, “The
similitude of five prayers is like an overflowing river passing by the
gate of one of you in which he washes five times daily.” (Muslim,
Sahih: 211) This shows how water is sacred as it is used for cleanliness
and it plays a vital part in prayer. Furthermore, Islam also offers a
practical alternative to ablution, should there ever be a shortage of
water called ‘Tayammum’,
which is to turn to clean earth, sand or soil to perform purification.
(Al-Bukhari, Sahih: 334) This again shows that the religion of Islam
recognises how human beings have the ability to waste and destroy
environmental materials, thus offering alternative means to make use of
environmental resources during an ecological crisis. It further shows
that water is not the only resource that must be sustained, but rather
that other Earthly materials must also be looked after such as sand and
is a spiritual aspect to the sanctity of water in Islam; bad water is
mentioned as a tool of punishment in hell, as well as good water being
used as a source of reward in heaven. For example, Abdullah ibn `Abbas
reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Oh children of Adam! Eat and drink: but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.” (Surah 7:31) This suggests
that there should be no waste of anything that includes water, because
it is a powerful source in this world and the hereafter. The Prophet has
also stated “three
people Allah will ignore on the day of resurrection are a man [who]
possessed superfluous water on a way and he withheld it from the
travellers.” (Faruqui, Naser. 2001:2) Due to the religious symbolism
that water has in faith, it should push and encourage us to focus on
water management and more.
Another important note on water is that it is seen as being the best kind of charity; “The best form of charity is giving water (to drink).” (Fiqh-us-Sunnah:
4.88) This sends powerful messages to Muslims because it gives another
opportunity to preserve water as the rewards it entails are greater than
the action of wasting. It gives us the need to want to keep it safe,
untainted and even share it. Plenty of religious charities are an
example of this such as, Islamic Relief, Who Is Hussain or Muslim Aid,
which all run water irrigation and distribution projects across the
globe. They use religious passages to encourage people to give money.
The theological language that is used in Islamic doctrines produces
positives attitudes in environmental maintenance of water. It pushes
individuals to place water as a significant natural element in their
lives and to distribute it because of its religious value, as well as
the moral value.
in the UK we are lucky enough to have water continuously flourishing
whenever we like and with this comfort and the knowledge of countries
with less opportunities, now is the time for us to utilise our Islamic
teachings keep the world materials preserved and available to all. Our
holy passages remind us of how crucial the Earthly elements are and how,
as human beings, we tend to destroy that which we have in abundance.
Water is now a natural element that is in crisis and the more silent and
disinfected by it we are, the more we are disregarding not just our
role as a humans, but also as our roles as Muslims too.
do not walk on the earth with arrogance. You can neither pierce the
earth, Nor can you match the mountains in height”. [Quran:17:37]
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