Meaning Of SubhanAllah

we know that we make Zhikr of Allah subhana WA Ta’ala in various ways, Basically, phrases include Subhanallah means(God
is perfect). Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam said, in order to
achieve or acquire the reward and the pleasure of Allah subhana wa
ta’ala, one of the ways that we can increase the reward and increase in
acquiring the pleasure of Allah subhana wa ta’ala is, to attach meaning
to that which we utter just like the Quran.
the ulama say .that the Quran recited with reflection with
understanding is far better and greater, than reciting the Quran on its
own. so in achieving this inshallah, I just want to talk about what the Meaning of SubhanAllah phrase.
Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam The great scholar in a name itself. he
narrates that, this word SubhanAllah actually refers to the perfection
of Allah subhana wa ta’ala. that when a person utters SubhanAllah. he
acknowledges the perfection and the completeness of Allah subhana wa
ta’ala including his beautiful names and attributes.
is far above and beyond any deficiency, he is complete and perfect in
every aspect. The scholars also mention and refer to the fact, that the
Arabs in the time of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam would use
this phrase or this word Subhan.
when they were trying or when they would talk about negating some
deficiency regarding somebody. or something and to remove and to affirm
its Greatness, Grandness, Exaltedness,
something, they would use this phrase of. So Allah subhana wa taala in
this very context if you like in many times in the Quran actually uses
this phrase, negating things that are ascribed to his descriptions, that
are given of Allah subhana wa ta’ala.
If one example in the chart that I wanna give is from Surah Taha Allah subhana WA Ta’ala says.
subhanaw taala affirms the beautiful names and then he negates and says
SubhanAllah a mushrik wound, however, a lies far above and beyond far
greater than anything that is ascribed by the mushrikeen to Allah
subhanaw taala in terms of the idols.
terms of anything else so next time that you see or author this phrase
subhanAllah in your heart then inshallah repair these meanings in mind
that what you are actually referring or affirming rather when saying
SubhanAllah is you are acknowledging and affirming the exalted nature of
Allah subhanaw taala.
The perfection and the completeness of Allah subhanaw taala called SubhanAllah. Above
is from any deficiency that could be ever thought of me Allah Subhan
Allah increases all in the knowledge of me a lot. for a note, Allah
gives us the topic to increase in our Zikar of+++++ him.
The words of tasbeeh, “Subhaan Allaah”, incorporate one of the greatest fundamental meanings of Tawheed and one of the basic principles of belief in Allaah, which is declaring Him to be above any fault, shortcoming, corrupt notions or false idea.
Saying Subhan Allah is one of the many ways by which a Muslim believer can remember Allah.
al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “The command
to glorify Him (by saying Subhan Allaah) also implies declaring Him to
be above every fault and shortcoming, and affirming the attributes of
perfection for Him. Tasbeeh implies declaring Him to be above any fault
and venerating Him, and veneration implies affirming praiseworthy
attributes for which He is praised, and that implies declaring Him to be
above any faults, praising Him, magnifying Him and affirming His
However, saying the following is even better because of the numbers:
“Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, ‘adada khalqihi, wa ridaa nafsihi, wazinata ‘arshihi, wa midaada kalimaatihi”
and praise be to Allaah, as much as the number of His creation, as much
as pleases Him, as much as the weight of His Throne and as much as the
ink of His words)
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, ‘adada khalqihi, wa ridaa nafsihi,
wazinata ‘arshihi, wa midaada kalimaatihi (Glory and praise be to
Allaah, as much as the number of His creation, as much as pleases Him,
as much as the weight of His Throne and as much as the ink of His words)
is many times better than merely saying Subhaan Allaah (Glory be to
Allah). What the one who says “Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, ‘adada
khalqihi…” achieves of knowing Allah, exalting Him and glorifying Him,
when his dhikr is connected to the huge numbers mentioned, is far
greater than what is achieved by the one who merely says Subhaan Allah.
This is called multiplied dhikr and it is greater glorification and
praise than regular dhikr, hence it is better than it. (Source:
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