Heal Black Magic By Quran, Black magic is predominantly believed to be an act of the disciples of devils, and it is condemned in every religion across the world. The negative use of energies and powers to secure an additional advantage over others drives people towards the use of black magic.
There are different methods like owl blood, hypnotizing, evil spirit, voodoo dolls and many other that are used to cast the black magic. The Black magic is so powerful that it can harm a person who is thousands of miles away. The use of it is significantly increasing with every passing day that makes it critical to know if you are suffering from or affected by black magic, who has done or cast black magic on you and finally the remedies to overcome the shadow of black magic.
The biggest challenge that most of the people face while suffering from black magic is that they are not able to identify the symptoms of signs of the black magic. We can even say they hardly know that they are suffering from any black magic. Black magic is a kind of disease, and the irony is that people hardly know they are suffering from any such illness. It can affect the whole life of a person from relationship to finances and from success to death.
There are endless symptoms of black magic as it is performed for a particular purpose. And different people react differently under its influence. Some people have an impact on their physical health, mental health, and some have an impact on their life situations.
And if we talk about the physical health people under the influence of black magic have a continuous weight loss or gain that can’t be explained and in some cases, it is very extreme. An incurable and terrible headache is also one of the common phenomena among all such people.
Their eyes start turning grey and lead to blindness later on. Inability to have a proper sleep or they suffer from insomnia, that may cause depression among such peoples, while others have an oversleeping problem.
People under the influence of black magic has affected life situations as they have excessive bad luck with no reasons associated with such conditions. Always have an unreasonable fear to participate and continue any activity. Severely impacted relationships like marriage, love and other relationships of their life.
All the time they are under the influence of a person who cast magic on them and their actions are controlled significantly. And the biggest impact is that their life seems to be in a standstill position with no progress at all in any aspect of their life.
Such people usually come across the strange whispering sound and even feel like someone is next to them all the time. They experience paranormal activities and can find someone calling them all the time. Experiencing physical abuse while sleeping is also a common symptom found among all such people. Altogether, we can say that they have an unstable mental condition.
Apart from symptoms, it is important to know who has cast black magic on you. And this is not done by you rather you need the help of a professional and expert who are after going through the circumstance and the information provided by you can find out the person who has done black magic on you. And if you are interested in finding out yourself then you have to analyses who is going to benefit most from your condition.
There are various people around us who just for the sake of their benefits or jealousy take the support of black magic to harm us. Sometimes the use of black magic has its roots to animosity and revenge. Most of the time it is found that those who are close to who know us very well are responsible or behind casting black magic.
But in Islam, it is always advisable to seek the help of an expert to find out such person. Because when you try to do it on your own, you will not be in a position to derive the most accurate results. But with the help of the experts, you are in a position to get the accurate results for you a question, and they will let you know about such person at earliest and abide them harming you anymore.
There are various remedies to overcome the curse of black magic and one of the strongest amongst all of them Dua. Dua is a three letter word but has high power to overcome any obstacle. As we all know that black magic practiced for ages so the Dua created to help people to overcome black magic. Below is a dua that will help you to overcome the dark magic.
Undoubtedly black magic is something that has its existence, but it is also observed that many people who experience some downfall or illness quickly conclude that they are under the influence of black magic. Such conclusions are very dangerous, and it is always advisable to consult a specialist before completing anything at your end.
It is good to understand the black magic, but at the same time, it is incorrect of creating any misunderstanding about it. Most often it is found that black magic has hardly any role to play in your problem. You have to be very cautious and careful about these matters. And have faith in Allah and make dua safeguard you against any black magic.
magic/witchcraft is known assihr.Sihr is also considered as a part of a
kufr. Even in the Quran, sihr is mentioned. The main purpose of sihr is
to deceive you in such a way that you think apart from the reality.
Hence, if you are affected with sihr, the reality is distorted and you
won’t be able to see the reality as it actually is. This may provoke you
to behave differently compared to your normal behavior.
Cure Sihr Islam
Sihr is done by a sahir who carries out a specific procedure to harm his victim generally by tying knots and chanting some words or phrases. Different types of sihr exist which can have particular effects on the victim and some can also be fatal. Many people believe that sihr is a challenge of faith to both the sahir and the victim. This is because Allah wants to see whose faith is stronger than the other.
You must be wondering, how does one find out that they have been affected by a sihr and are a victim of it? The easiest step would be to first check whether you have some kind of a medical issue or not. There are many times when you may mistakenly think that there is a jinn residing in you when in actuality you have a medical problem.
Hence, first check with the doctors whether it is due to some medical condition. If your reports are clear and you cannot seem to pinpoint the root of the problem, then you may have been affected with a sihr. There are plethora of symptoms of a sihr which cannot be covered here however here are some of them will give you an idea of sihr effects:
Unusual, unpredictable and extreme behavior change.
Emotions change dramatically within a few seconds.
Feeling of intense fear when you wake up.
Frequent nightmares might occur which might wake you in the middle of the night.
Refusing to or wanting to avoid praying regularly to Allah.
Performing sins frequently.
Hating people for no apparent reason and cursing all the time unnecessarily.
Making the less fortunate feel miserable.
Becoming interested in other religions and thus forgetting one’s own religion.
Health problems start happening that cause disruption in daily activities.
Sihr can be dangerous. You must be thinking how to cure sihr effectively? Depending on the symptom and the problem that the sihr has caused, you can cure it with some help.If someone else is having sihr or even if you are having sihr, then you can do the following:
Read Quran on a regular basis with full devotion.
There are specific verses in Quran that need to be recited for at least 11 repetitions. This must be done on water with which you will bathe later. This method purifies the water and helps you remove the jinn.
You can perform the hijama which is a procedure by which blood is drawn from your body.
You can use natural medications such as olive oil, honey, black seeds oil and other edible items that are mentioned in the Quran which have therapeutic properties.
You need to recite duas regularly.
You need to donate and give away things to needy people.
Sihr can be done on food as well which means your stomach will be directly affected when you eat the sihr infected food. This means you might have digestion problems, your stomach will hurt a lot and your stomach might randomly start paining badly. How to remove sihr from stomach? You can remove sihr as explained below:
This procedure must be followed rigorously and seriously. A pregnant lady or a breast feeding mother can also apply this procedure which is very effective:
In a glass, put half a liter of water and recite specific verses from Quran.
After the recitations have been completed, blow on the water with your eyes closed.
Next, take about 1 tsp of sennah leaves and put them in the water.
Let the leaves stay in the water for about 10-15 minutes.
Drink this water preferably when your stomach is empty.
You must continue this procedure until the pain vanishes completely and no trace is left.
A sihr can be put on someone such that the relationship between two people turns sour. This is called a sihr of separation since it causes a rift to be there between two people. The relationship can be that of a husband and wife, brother and sister, mother and father etc. In these cases, a sihr of separation cure in required which is as follows:
Recite the following after Fajr and Maghrib prayers:
The Salaawat for 11 repetitions.
3 repetitions of Surah-Fatihah.
Ayaat-Al-Kursi for 3 recitations.
3 recitations of Surat-Taubah.
Salaawat Ibrahim for 11 repetitions.
You may recite the following verses after which you need to blow on the water. Do this untilall the problems are sorted out between you both.
3 repetitions of Al-Baqarah verse 102.
Al-Auraf verses 117 through 122 for 7 times.
33 recitations of Al-Israh verse81.
Surah Al-Ikhlaaswith 3 repetitions.
3 recitations of Surah Al-Falaaq.
You might be a victim of a sihr that does not allow you to get married. For example you keep rejecting proposals for no reason or you cannot get the right match no matter how much you struggle. Don’t stress because there is a cure for sihr of impending marriage. You must read the following Quranic verses with utmost faith in Allah:
Surah Al-Baqarah verses 1 to 5, 102, 163, 164, 255 to 257, 285 and 286.
Surah Al-Imaraan verses 18 and 19.
Surah Hasr verses 21 to 24.
Surah Al-Fatihah.
Surah An’aam verse 93.
Surah Hijr verses 16 through 18.
Surah Anbea verse 70.
Surah Dukaan verses 43 through 52.
Surah Tauba verse 70.
Surah Nisa verse 167 through 173.
Sihr can prove to be dangerous to you however it doesn’t have to wreak havoc in your life. You are in complete control of your life. Allah will surely show you a well-lighted path if you are determined to get rid of your problem once and for all.
As they say, prevention is better than a cure. Hence, it is highly recommended that you stay protected beforehand so that no jinn or external entity can harm you. Even if you find out that sihr is negatively affecting your life, you can take charge of your life.
You can take the help of the Quranic verses, natural medication or other procedures that are mentioned by an alim or other knowledgeable person of Islam.Make sure that whichever option you choose, you do it with conviction and faith that you will be cured. You must have full faith in Allah at all times.
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